Student Background

Student B has similar experiences to many of our young people. They had a challenging life as a small child, resulting in a multiplicity of understandable, although extreme, behaviours largely due to anxiety and mental health issues and deep insecurities.

Student B’s EKOS experience

Through expert therapeutic input, teaching and mentoring support at EKOS, Student B has developed appropriate life skills, recently moved into their own apartment and is successfully living independently. Their programme was both academic and vocational, allowing their deep interests to be accredited and create an employment pathway. Their  emotional regulation and intelligence has improved significantly; their relationships within the family have improved greatly, and social skills have also developed where they have formed some close and meaningful relationships. 


They have completed English Functional Skills Level 1 as well as several AQA Unit Awards. They would like to achieve their FS English Level 2, while undertaking further work experience,  possibly move onto GCSEs, get their full driving licence and move into a work environment of her choice.