Student Background

Student F has diagnoses of microcephaly, developmental delay and severe learning difficulties. They attend a mainstream school which they have been in since year 7. Student F can become over-stimulated by large crowds and it can then become very difficult to communicate with them. When Student F becomes ‘hyper’ they are at risk as they become unable to follow instructions and focus on adults. They experience difficulty with writing skills, and has reduced mobility. Student F is working at approximately 8/9 years below age related expectations.

Student F’s EKOS experience

When we started working with Student F and his school, he was working at P levels, approximately 8/9 years below age related expectations. Student F has shown huge academic improvement over the last two years, and is now working towards AQA unit awards with the hope of functional skills in the next few years. They have grown significantly in confidence since being at EK Outreach and are able to recognise how they are feeling and say why, which has led to an improvement in their behaviour, reducing frustration. They no longer have ‘hyperactivity’ and are able to self-regulate in and out of lessons.


Student F has improved the ability to learn and store new words related to learning.

  • Has improved phonological awareness skills, allowing them to progress in their phonics lessons at school.
  • Student F has improved their dual-channelled attention skills to adult-led activities, maintaining focus for twenty minutes in the classroom.
  • Has demonstrated improved social and emotional skills.
  • Is able to write their name independently.

Currently Student F is working towards AQA units in Maths, English and Art this year.